Kansas Wesleyan University


Field hours before clinical practice


First program started in 1893


教师教育准备一直是千亿国际登录丰富历史的一个组成部分. The first 教师教育 Program started in 1893, just 7 years after Kansas Wesleyan University opened. 最初的两年制教师预备学位的毕业生将获得终身教师执照. 虽然多年来要求发生了巨大的变化,但大学仍然培养出高素质的教师.

  • 在学生进入临床实习之前,我们的教师教育早期实习经验包括100多个实习小时, 为我们的教师候选人提供丰富多样的实地经验.
  • 几乎99%的昆大学生获得某种形式的奖学金或经济资助.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statements

DEI对堪萨斯卫斯理的愿景是促进平等、包容的多元化文化, 诚信和合作,加深理解,拥抱跨文化和全球 experiences for students, faculty and staff.

教师教育 Department
教师教育部门致力于为未来的小学做准备 and secondary teachers who embody the philosophical foundations of reflective 从业人员. This philosophy embraces the ideals of respecting diversities, and providing for 公平与包容 in all educational settings. Reflective practitioners 我们要庆祝所有的多样性,这代表了所有种族的学生, 种族、社会经济地位、性别、宗教信仰、身体和精神 challenges, learning styles and abilities. Equity and inclusion in the classroom is paramount to student success and is an integral component of every reflective practitioner’s philosophy of teaching. Through student centered classrooms, the 反思性实践者为所有学生的成功提供了机会 guiding principles of diversity, 公平与包容.



Click here for a directory of KWU’s 教师教育 staff members.

Why should I choose KWU for my degree in 教师教育?

学生有机会与系里的老师密切互动. 这不仅发生在大学教室和校园里,也发生在社区里.  学生体验动手活动,通过项目为教学提供真正的准备, collaboration and work in schools.

早期在萨利纳学区和周边地区的实地体验提供了各种课堂参与机会, which prepare the students for the challenges of an ever-changing profession.

Is a degree in 教师教育 right for you?

从事教育工作可以使个人对年轻人的生活产生重大影响. 没有什么能比得上看到学生掌握一个概念所带来的难以置信的满足感. 教学职业允许与其他致力于教学和学习的个人合作.

Individuals who are successful in teaching exhibit qualities of caring, 公平, honesty and responsibility. They also possess a strong knowledge base in their content area. Successful teachers are reflective and lifelong learners. 教学是一种与学生和同事一起工作的冒险,以迎接职业的挑战和乐趣.

What can I do with a Teaching Degree?

千亿国际登录的教师教育学位并不意味着你唯一的职业机会就是在学校里. There are a variety of careers that our graduates have gone on to experience, both in and out of the typical school setting such as: Administrator, 教室的老师, 顾问, Corporate Education Director, 日托员, 教育的说客, 教育研究人员, National or State Education Director, 和平队, Preschool/Childcare Center Director, 主要, 教授, 学校辅导员, School Librarian and Special Education Teacher.

千亿国际登录 the 教师教育 Program

The KWU 教师教育 Department is committed to continuous assessment and improvement of our teacher education program. 来自各种评估的数据有助于推动计划和政策的变化,以确保我校的教师教育计划与国家标准保持一致.



千亿国际登录教师教育部门的使命是将文科教育与学术专业和专业培训相结合,培养出有效的K-12教师. 该单元的概念框架指出:“千亿国际登录培养具有良好个人素质的反思型教师, who have a commitment to education and life-long learning, demonstrate world citizenship and are committed to faith.”


Students who complete a Bachelor of Arts in 教师教育 will be able to:

  • 展示知识的深度和广度,以及所研究的水平和内容领域固有的跨学科联系.
  • 应用 state and national standards, research-verified best practices, 批判性思维, clear and thoughtful communication, 创造性表达, and honest open inquiry in designing, 实现, 区分, 评估, and reflecting on effective pedagogy.
  • 在不同的教育环境中,对不同的学生和学校社区的所有成员表现出专业的倾向.
  • Foster an engaging classroom environment.
  • 展示他们的教学技能,有效地完成一个成功的临床实践.  

KWU Conceptual Framework


教师教育计划的理念是,文科教育和专业培训将培养出在学术和专业上都卓越的教师候选人, a strong sense of spiritual and personal well-being, 社会责任, 以及成为一名具有教育领导潜力的反思教师的技能.


千亿国际登录教师教育部门的使命是将文科教育与学术专业和专业培训相结合,培养出有效的K-12教师. 该单元的概念框架指出:“千亿国际登录培养具有良好个人素质的反思型教师, who have a commitment to education and life-long learning, demonstrate world citizenship and are committed to faith.”


教师教育计划致力于选择和准备未来的小学, secondary and special education teachers who reflect in a positive manner the essence of the mission statement of the University; academic and professional excellence, 精神上的发展, personal well-being and 社会责任.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Statement

教师教育系致力于培养未来的中小学教师,他们体现了反思实践者的哲学基础. This philosophy embraces the ideals of respecting diversities, and providing for 公平与包容 in all educational settings. 反思性实践者认为,应该庆祝所有的多样性,这代表了所有种族的学生, 种族、社会经济地位、性别、宗教信仰、身体和精神 challenges, learning styles and abilities. 课堂上的公平和包容对学生的成功至关重要,也是每个反思实践者教学理念的组成部分. Through student centered classrooms, 反思性实践者为所有学生的成功提供机会,将多样性的指导原则联系起来, 公平与包容.



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Gaining Experience in the Classroom

学生通过实践活动获得经验,通过项目为教学提供真正的准备, collaboration opportunities and work in schools. 早期在萨利纳学区和周边地区的实地体验提供了各种课堂参与机会, which prepare the students for the challenges of an ever-changing profession.